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Large-scale high-temperature alloy castings sand casting methods

alloy castings,sand casting

At present, the domestic high-temperature alloy castings casting method, are still stuck in the precision casting, casting weight does not exceed the maximum of 4kg, casting temperature below 800 ℃. Large sand mold casting superalloy castings (Publication No.: CN101104201A), the first time in a vacuum furnace for remelting to the incremental elements and combining elements of the chemical composition of the burning of the pre-formulations of high temperature alloys, superalloys obtained masterbatch: Then, to high soil remelting furnace melting cycle, after the completion of the whole process of smelting steel casting, get large castings; casting riser using wire cutting; Finally, the casting temperature solid melting processing. The invention of the high-temperature alloy castings casting weight 40 ~ 5000kg, long-term work in the following 900 ℃.