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Casting - Casting Technical Analysis
Casting - Casting Technical Analysis Casting technology is one of the main methods of mechanical products blank, important basic process of casting machinery industry occupies an important position in the national economy.
Casting Parts understanding of the process
Casting Parts understanding of the process, desire a new breakthrough in the technically
Alternative structural material for precision machine components
Alternative structural material for precision machine components
Casting industry innovation: the development of new automatic low pressure casting equipment
The use of science and technology plays a vital role in the development of various industries, of course, the foundry industry is no exception. Development of new automatic low pressure casting equipment for the foundry industry is a new revolution.
Casting the standardization of die and mould standard application is an inevitable trend in the future development of die and mould industry
At present, the development speed of the casting mold industry in China soon, only aluminum gravity casting mold manufacturing plant there are hundreds, and with the development of the automotive industry and the influx of foreign capital, mold manuf
Gravity casting mold application analysis
For the aluminum alloy automotive parts manufacturers for product quality, accuracy and durability of the mold is very obvious. Ferrous metal casting, mold more in order to form a mold cavity, the the general mold itself does not directly contact wit